Thursday, 29 April 2010

Higher Than Usual - the podcast!!

Norm @ The Drabblecast has produced an audio version of Higher Than Usual (which is still showing in Strange Horizons' archive). Complete with music and sound effects! Check out the link! Strange stories by strange authors, indeed! [Edit: link updated, was moved to archive... the story starts at around 7 minutes into the mp3, after sponsor messages.]

I haven't laughed so much in ages, this is just the voice I'd imagined when I'd written the story 'way back when. Excellently read by Dan Chambers, and excellent art by Bo Kaier.

A little update, 6 Sept 2011:

Bizarrely, I happened across a forum thread today, discussing the podcast and story. Sorry I missed it! Too late now!

1 comment:

littlebear said...

Wow, I havent listen to a podcast since couple years ago. It was called saved recording back then.