Sunday, 9 June 2013

Belated welcome to 2013 !

How time flies! And a poor, innocent blog gets ignored. Er... welcome to 2013?

Still writing away, and making comics now and again. Fun, fun. Life good, no complaints.

Did I mention White Tiger? More info on my web page. Good reviews and decent sales, which I suspect isn't down to my mad writing skillz as much as those of my co-author Stephen Knight whose zombie milfic novels are super reads and have earned him a horde of fans eager to check out his other works.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Biff Thrash - Secret Agent: British Intelligence - EYES ONLY

I have been remiss in not mentioning that the comic character who gave this blog its wincingly daft name has concluded his first adventure and is now safely back home, having saved England, and probably the world.

Classified photograph - swallow your cyanide pill at once.
Secret Agent: British Intelligence

I've got a couple of new stories in the planning stage, so who knows, Agent Biff Thrash of British Intelligence may well explode onto your screens in the near future. If you're very unlucky!

Also: will I ever adapt the comic into a novel or script, as was the original plan? The comic's just a big storyboard, after all...

Thursday, 21 July 2011

MARS - webcomic side project

I noticed a couple of pings on my blog stats, which prompted me to remember that I actually have a blog, such as it is. (Visitors?! Why? How? Will I ever know?!) So I thought I'd better check in and wave just to prove I'm still alive and kicking.

Another side project webcomic has shuffled its way into the ether, after several "extra" characters who have only been glimpsed briefly started complaining about their lack of meaty roles, and told me they were ready for prime time. I already had the locations, vehicles and props (made for other comics) gathering dust on the studio lot, so what the hell, MARS was born. Tentatively subtitled A Murder Mystery on Mars!

Check out MARS the webcomic

Unlike several other long-running projects (Crowbar kicked off August 2008; Space Pirates and Secret Agent, January 2009; Sword Princess Yukisaki, February 2009; Starship Captain, August 2009; eek, where has the time gone?!), MARS is a short. At least that's the plan! And the cruel Fates, listening, chuckled with amusement.

As always I have this weirdo theory/idea that once I finish these comics I'll adapt them into prose, that the comics are really only storyboards. And that could actually be true. I just haven't proved it yet.

MARS is hosted on ComicFury

Monday, 3 January 2011

How time flies!

You get to my age, the days blur into weeks, the weeks into months... next thing you know, it's a new year and I have to instruct my autopilot to type 2011 instead of 2010 (which instruction should "take" around September/October, going by previous years).

We enjoyed 2 weeks of 'flu over the holidays, nothing serious, just a lot of coughing and spluttering and lost sleep and rubber legs. Oh, and vomiting, plus simultaneous volcanic activity at the other end. Buckets! Buckets!! This makes 3 years in a row we've caught some kind of bug just in time for Christmas but we're not complaining, truth to tell we look forward to the extra time together; it's become a tradition.

[Checks date] Wow, it's the 3rd already. And so the New Year has come and gone, another blur. I have some email to catch up on now that my brain is almost functioning again. Just as well I waited -- I scribbled some short story and novel chapter updates over the holidays, and they are mental.

Best wishes to everyone for 2011.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Higher Than Usual - the podcast!!

Norm @ The Drabblecast has produced an audio version of Higher Than Usual (which is still showing in Strange Horizons' archive). Complete with music and sound effects! Check out the link! Strange stories by strange authors, indeed! [Edit: link updated, was moved to archive... the story starts at around 7 minutes into the mp3, after sponsor messages.]

I haven't laughed so much in ages, this is just the voice I'd imagined when I'd written the story 'way back when. Excellently read by Dan Chambers, and excellent art by Bo Kaier.

A little update, 6 Sept 2011:

Bizarrely, I happened across a forum thread today, discussing the podcast and story. Sorry I missed it! Too late now!

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Alive and kicking

When someone contacts you to say they'd wondered if you'd died, you know it's time to update your blog, even if you don't have anything much to say except, I'm still here!

Friday, 23 October 2009

eXtreme nostalgia - my old AOL website

Just saying, I dug up files for my old AOL website (which vanished when AOL Hometown's plug got pulled) and reloaded 'em into new webspace -- partly for nostalgia's sake, and partly so I could find stuff I kept losing track of!

It's pretty damn weird to browse old Best Openings Contest entries from yesteryear and not even remember writing them... even when many went on to become short stories or chapters. Stupid brain cells, work harder!